The Supreme Court

Political Science 451

Spring 2006

Students will write a short research paper (15 pages or so) on an aspect of the U.S. Supreme Court.

1. Instructions. Your paper should contain:

  • a general introduction, a section containing a research question and a statement of its importance;

  • a theoretical account, a section containing a theoretically-driven answer to your question and demonstrating your knowledge of the existing literature;

  • expectations, a section proposing specific hypotheses you propose to test;

  • measurement/data, a section explaining how you plan to assess the hypotheses and the data sources from which you plan to derive your assessment;

  • analyses/results, a section describing your findings; and,

  • conclusion, a section summarizing your findings and how they are/are not compatible with the literature, and some suggestions for future research.

You must collect and/or compile your own data. I'll have more to say about this in class.

2. Deadlines.

  • February 15 . Description of your research problem due

  • March 22. Paper outline due

  • April 28. Paper due