The U.S. Supreme Court


You will write three short essays. They should be no longer than six pages each (including any reference material you may want to incorporate); and they should be double spaced with 1-inch margins, using 12 pt. Times font.

Essay #1 (due on October 3) (25 points)

Suppose the year is 2013 and Barack Obama has just been elected to a second term. The good news for President Obama is that a member of the Court's right wing (Justices Alito, Scalia, or Thomas) has announced his resignation. The bad news: The Republicans control the Senate.

Further suppose that you are advising the President on a nominee. He asks you to make a list of your top three candidates, and explain why they are good choices. He also wants to know who would be your top pick and why.

Essay #2 (due on November 7) (25 points)

Select a case the justices will hear and decide during the 2011-12 term. After fully researching it, explain why you think the Court granted cert.

Essay #3 (due on December 2) (25 points)

Select a case that was argued before the Court in October or early November 2011. After fully researching it, explain how you think the Court (and each justice) will decide it. Be sure to justify your views with reference to the various accounts of judging we covered in class.