Free Speech on Campus
Professor Lee Epstein and Chancellor Andrew D. Martin
Political Science 334
Spring 2025
Case Controversies
General Instructions
In class, on February 28, we’ll assign each student to a group, from Group 1-Group 5.
After the February 28th class (but before the March 1st class), please read the material associated with the group to which you’ve been assigned.
Then, on February 28th, you’ll meet with your group. Working with your teaching assistant (a current law school student), your group will (1) review the controversy, (2) divide into two subgroups to answer one of the two questions at the end of the controversy, and (3) prepare a presentation on the answer to your question.
Your group has a total of 20 minutes (maximum) for its presentations. Following the presentations, the class will have an opportunity to ask questions of each group.
The Controversies (click on your group number)
Group 1. White Supremacists Speakers (TA is Zej Moczydlowski, [2:15-2:45 pm]
Group 2. Provocateurs at Commencement (TA is Nareh Derhartounian, [2:45-3:15 pm]
Group 3. (What to Do About) Student Hecklers (TA is Tylah Gantt, [3:15-3:45 pm]
Group 4. The Pronoun Dispute (TA is Ethan Knoll, [4:00-4:30 pm]
Group 5. The Controversy Over Academic Freedom at Penn (TA is Perri Wilson, [4:30-5:00 pm]