Conference Papers

Click on the title for the conference paper (.pdf); click on the "project website" link for the published version of the paper (or book), along with any relevant data and documentation.

American Political Science Association

Conference on Empirical Legal Studies

  • Boyd, Christina, Lee Epstein & Andrew D. Martin. 2007. Untangling the Causal Effect of Sex on Judging. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual meeting of the Law & Society Association, Berlin, Germany. [project website]

  • Westerland, Chad, Jeffrey A. Segal, Lee Epstein, Scott Comparato & Charles M. Cameron. 2006. Lower Court Defiance of (Compliance with) the U.S. Supreme Court. Paper presented at Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, Austin TX. (Also presented at the 2006 meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.) [project website]

Law & Society Association

Midwest Political Science Association

Northeastern Political Science Association

Southern Political Science Association

Southwestern Political Science Association